Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Cat Porter - Sin and Surrender (Lock and Key series)

Sin & Surrender: Small Town Motorcycle Club Romance (Lock & Key MC Romance, #12)Sin & Surrender: Small Town Motorcycle Club Romance by Cat Porter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**it would be beneficial (in my opinion) if you have read “The Wind and the Roar” Duet. Some characters roll into this book.

I just love this series! From book one on, the characters, details, all capture your heart. From major mistakes in the beginning, Wes somehow manages to correct the damage and recapture Lindy’s heart. And what a pair they make, absolutely made for each other, true soul mates. Add in the appearances of some of my (still alive) favorite Lock & Key characters, it’s a book that you can’t put down.

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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Callie Hart - Riot Reunion (Crooked Sinners)

Riot Reunion (Crooked Sinners)Riot Reunion by Callie Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Missed this group.
(sshhh, there are some blood and roses favorites that make an appearance)

In this book we revisit the group from Wolf Hall, all 3 couples, and where they are after graduating and moving on with their lives. But the past has a nasty way of interfering with future happiness. Fitz is still trying to cause problems, and without giving any spoilers away, he really jumps off the deep end.

Our couples are trying to create their lives together as adults, and not everything is as simple as it should be. Even with the amount of money all 3 guys have .... money can't solve everything. I do have to say it's been a while since I read the original 3 books, so I can't really remember all the details with Carrie and Dash. But Pax and Wren are my favorites anyway. I read this book in one day, there was just to much going on to not keep turning the page to find out what happens next. We have tragedy, happiness, and still a whole lot Callie can give us with this series. I really hope we visit them again.

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Sunday, October 16, 2022

Tara Sivec - Stop Ghosting Me

Stop Ghosting MeStop Ghosting Me by Tara Sivec
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars again!! I love all things Halloween and Tara Sivec. She spins the perfect blend of hilarious and heart warming tales that make me want to move to fictitious towns. The cast of crazy characters that surround our H/h are always the perfect added touch to make it a nonstop holiday of laughter.

*arc provided for honest review

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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Tara Sivec - Spare Me (Summersweet Island #6)

Spare Me (Summersweet Island #6)Spare Me by Tara Sivec
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Nerd and the Firecracker .....

Like a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, you have a reversal of positions. The Nerd is the quiet, rule conforming "wall flower" until he is swept off his feet by the Firecracker who is claiming her life in a spectacular fashion.

I didn't think I would like this couple since we knew nothing at all about her, and almost nothing about Him. But what a surprise they were! Super fun, passionate, challenging, and imaginative. And I love that he is the nerd and she's the firecracker, the role reversal makes this couple a favorite. Add in the previous couples and a wild night with the guys, it was a perfect addition to this series.

***And if you are a fan of Tara Sivec, the only warning I will give you is this, when starting Chapter 20 DO NOT be drinking or eating anything. If you know, you know!

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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Amo Jones - In Silence She Screams (Midnight Mayhem #3)

In Silence She Screams (Midnight Mayhem #3)In Silence She Screams by Amo Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

spoilers ahead .....

I rarely give away spoilers, but I will admit that I am an emotional reader. I will get angry and even cry over the things that happen to beloved characters. I read to escape, and I really do escape into the world of the book I'm reading and become attached to the characters.

With that being said, this story broke me. The trauma that happens to Lilith and Eli is cringe, close your eyes, painful. At times it's a little hard to handle, but my love for this series pushes me on. EKC, Patience, and Midnight Mayhem crews and all involved in this tale, but I know that Amo Jones will bring us out the other side to where we need to be. It's the road to get there that breaks your heart along the way. I cried when it happened. Put the book down wondering why would she do this. How can you? We need him. But all I had to do was keep reading and keep hoping. All will work out. And along with that, more secrets that will lead us into the next book.

Amo Jones will always be a top author for me no matter how dark the road is, I'm always emotionally invested and hoping the next book comes out soon.

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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Tara Sivec - With This Fling (SummerSweet Island #5)

With This Fling (Summersweet Island, #5)With This Fling by Tara Sivec
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have to admit that I was late in reading this series. But when I was graciously given an ARC for an honest review, well I can't read a series out of order. So I have binge read this whole series in one week.

Series review:
I have always been a Chocolate Lovers series devoted fan, but this series comes in a very close second. Especially with the cameo of Millie from a Christmas Cliché (a must read for all Tara Sivec fans). I feel like I identify most with Tess, and admittedly I've dated a few Bodhi's in my life. This whole cast of characters is hilarious, my favorite dialogue are the text messages. Somehow that just makes it so much more laughing with tears funnier.

With This Fling review:
But for With This Fling, as I'm around the age of Laura, I would like to believe that there is hope for all of us stubborn, do it ourselves women, who could still find our HEA. Great couple, Dean just somehow melts right in to the crazy cast of characters and doesn't even blink with their insanity.

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