Sunday, September 24, 2023

Callie Hart - Riot Reunion (Crooked Sinners)

Riot Reunion (Crooked Sinners)Riot Reunion by Callie Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Missed this group.
(sshhh, there are some blood and roses favorites that make an appearance)

In this book we revisit the group from Wolf Hall, all 3 couples, and where they are after graduating and moving on with their lives. But the past has a nasty way of interfering with future happiness. Fitz is still trying to cause problems, and without giving any spoilers away, he really jumps off the deep end.

Our couples are trying to create their lives together as adults, and not everything is as simple as it should be. Even with the amount of money all 3 guys have .... money can't solve everything. I do have to say it's been a while since I read the original 3 books, so I can't really remember all the details with Carrie and Dash. But Pax and Wren are my favorites anyway. I read this book in one day, there was just to much going on to not keep turning the page to find out what happens next. We have tragedy, happiness, and still a whole lot Callie can give us with this series. I really hope we visit them again.

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