Sunday, December 1, 2013

Carmen Jenner-Welcome to Sugartown (Sugartown #1)

Adult Romance 18+

Ana Belle never wanted anything more than to hang up her apron, jump on her Vespa and ride off into the sunset, leaving Sugartown in the dust.

Elijah Cade never wanted anything more than a hot meal, a side of hot arse and a soft place to lay his head at night where he could forget about his past.

But you know what they say about wanting: you always want what you can’t have.

Nineteen year-old virgin Ana is about to discover that’s not quite true because a six foot three, hotter than hell, tattooed, Aussie sex god just rode into town. He’s had a taste of her pie and he wants more– no really, Ana bakes pies for a living, get your mind out of the gutter.

She’d be willing to hand over everything tied up in a big red bow, there’s just one problem; Elijah has secrets dirtier than last week’s underwear. Secrets that won't just break Ana’s heart, but put her life at risk, too. When those secrets come to light, their relationship is pushed to breaking point.

Add to that a psychotic nympho best friend, an overbearing father, a cuter than humanly possible kid brother, a wanton womanizing cousin, the ex from hell, and more pies than you could poke a ... err ... stick ... at.

And you thought small towns were boring.

Welcome to Sugartown.

*Content Warning. Intended for a mature 18+ audience. Contains explicit sex, oodles of profanity and a crap-tonne of AWKWARD

{3 stars}

I struggled with this book. I felt like a tourist who didn't understand the language. It's set in Australia, so its full of Australian landmarks, slang, and references. I was at a loss. Add to that the first half of the book was only a 2 star rating, around the 50% mark it got good. Then the author thru me for a flip with a very intense scene I was not prepared for and didn't want to read. I have read scenes like that in other books, and I agreed with the writing of them sometimes, but not always. But at least at that point in the book the action had picked up and it was a little more interesting. I will give the humor in this book a 5 star, it was very funny at times, especially with Holly (the best friend). Overall, I waffled between 2 and 3 stars, Maybe if the setting was in America, who knows, I just didn't click with it even though I did finish the story.

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