Monday, November 8, 2021

Callie Hart - Riot Act (Crooked Sinners #3)

Riot Act (Crooked Sinners, #3)Riot Act by Callie Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Out of the three Riot House boys, Wren was my favorite. That was until I met Pax.

Dangerous, Dark, Obsessive, Broken. He has built a suit of armor around himself to block out the world. His anger and hostility to everyone but Wren and Dash is his weapon to keep people at bay.

But that all changes in the blink of eye with squealing tires and a girl thrown from a car bleeding to death. Somehow she sparks something in him, something he doesn't know how to handle. But Pres no longer has any fear and pushes him to places he never thought he would go.

It was a long road of working thru the armor and removing it piece by piece. And I really loved all of it, this is my favorite story of the series and I really hope we get more because that ending left me hanging by a "thread" (LOL).

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Sunday, October 10, 2021

Karin Slaughter - False Witness (standalone)

False WitnessFalse Witness by Karin Slaughter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I have been a fan of Karin Slaughter since the first Grant County series book, and even in to the Will Trent merge. With those series we have a dark mystery. A thriller that you have to put the pieces together to get to the end. I always liked the "chase" to the end.

But, with her standalones, not so much. I have had trouble "clicking" with the stories. I did finish this one, but it was difficult. I skimmed chapters of it. Because honestly, I read to escape life, not be reminded of the pandemic we are living through or the needle by needle lesson in how to be a junkie 101.

We always knew who the bad guys were, and there were more than one. But what this turned out to be was a story of two girls whose lives started out with a spectacularly shitty mother, and then being molested by the same horrible man. One daughter went in one direction, the other (who had the worst of the sexual abuse) went down a very dark road of self destruction. And how they both crashed together in the end.

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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Chevy Stevens - Dark Roads

Dark RoadsDark Roads by Chevy Stevens
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I didn't think anything could equal the intensity of Still Missing. But I stand corrected.

Honestly I don't know, for once, how to relay my thoughts and feelings about this story. So many layers, secrets, mysteries. I hung on by my fingernails hoping for the survival of our 4 main characters each step of the way. And one of those is a dog named Wolf, who is just as important to this story as the humans. They never gave up. They fought each step of the way to find the truth. How Hailey and Beth lived thru their wilderness treks is astonishing.

I know this story is inspired by the Highway of Tears, but it holds it own in the emotional meaning of those tragedies. And gives us a small amount of resolution to the murder that starts this journey. I would have liked a better ending for Jonny and Beth as a couple, but it ended as it should have naturally.

This book will stay with me for a while (and brought me out of my reading slump).

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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Darynda Jones - A Good Day for Chardonnay (Sunshine Vicram #2)

A Good Day for Chardonnay (Sunshine Vicram, #2)A Good Day for Chardonnay by Darynda Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First, this is the best book I've read all year.

Second, I'm devastated by the cliffhanger ending. I'm was not expecting that at all and sat stunned cursing Darynda Jones for crushing me. I needed more!!!

I like this second installment more than the first. We get way more in depth regarding Sunshine's kidnapping and all the secrets that surround that event start to trickle out. Auri (so like a mini me version of Sunshine) is up to all kinds of "You are so grounded" kind of plots, but for all the right reasons. Everyone has their own plot line running in this one too. And i was totally invested in every word. This series is hilarious at times, serious and emotional in others, and super hot when Sunshine and Levi are even just in the same room together.

I can't wait to read the next book..... like now would be really nice, please!

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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Tiffany Reisz - The Auction (The Original Sinners - Standalone Story)

The Auction (The Original Sinners — Standalone Stories)The Auction by Tiffany Reisz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm just so happy to be back with the Original Sinners.... Kingsley, Eleanor, Soren, and the infamous "club". Back to those original feelings we had in the beginning of this series.

If you have read the short story The Seven Day Loan, then you will know who Daniel is. It's not absolutely necessary to have read it, because we are given enough backstory to refresh everyone's memory. And if you haven't read any of the Original Sinners series, well your missing out and I can't help you. Start at the beginning, but if you are not a "kink" reader, then this may not be for you.

Daniel has returned from his 18 month trek while trying to get over his 2nd love, or who he thought was his 2nd love. Just to find his true 2nd love. Though nothing is easy in the world of Kingsley. You have to go thru alot of missteps to get where you truly belong.

Anya is trying her very best to make a better life for her siblings. How she wound up in Kingsley's realm is a mystery. But the old saying, right place - right time, is never truer than when she opens the door to a very dirty and disheveled Daniel. Love at first sight? Hmmmm, let the games begin!!

**ARC provided for review by author.

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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Darynda Jones - Beguiled (Betwixt & Between #3)

Beguiled (Betwixt & Between #3)Beguiled by Darynda Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So many questions....
So many wonderful cliff hanger questions ...

Some mysteries are solved, new mysteries leave us hanging, needing the next book now.
These characters reminded me of the "vibe" that the Charley Davidson series had between the characters. But now they are all unique to me and I love them all. This is a series to read for all Darynda Jones fans.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Beth Flynn - Tarnished Soul (Nine Minutes Spin-Off #4

Tarnished Soul (Nine Minutes Spin-Off #4)Tarnished Soul by Beth Flynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There are just those series that stick with you years after reading them.

Nine Minutes is one of them, including the spin-off's.

Brooks & Lucy are the perfect analogy of opposites attract. They couldn't be more different. But in their own way they are the dark/mc version of Beauty and the Beast. She quiets his demons, helps him make sense of the world and gives him something precious to protect. Something that is just his. She finds the protector in him to be something that makes her feel beautiful and wanted for once in her life. They have been waiting for each other for a long time.

Not saying their life is a fairytale come true with no violence and drama, but they seem to balance each other in a way that makes it's all seem lighter in the world of dark he roams in. And they make me want to re-read the series again. I miss all of the characters .....

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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Shantel Tessier - Make You Beg

Make You BegMake You Beg by Shantel Tessier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm speechless.

This went so far beyond my expectations. The short story was just a tease as to what the full story really is. Secrets, lies, sex, violence, and in the end ... love.

I actually miss Henley and Law. There was so much to this story. And everything that came to light in the end was twisted and mind blowing. Don't go into this thinking you can handle the dark environment. If this is not your usual genre, this is not the one to jump off into.

I hope we get the remaining Reapers stories.

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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Kimberly Loth - Circus of the Dead complete series.

Circus of the Dead: The Complete SeriesCircus of the Dead: The Complete Series by Kimberly Loth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Completely spellbound by this series.

This series is not what you think it is. Yes, it's paranormal, with voodoo, spells, witches, zombies, ghosts, and an island full of trapped people. That should be super creepy scary, but it's not. It's really quite funny, and sweet at times (in between all the magical wars).

I kind of equate this series to a paranormal Nancy Drew mystery. Lot's of things happen in rapid fire sequence. And just when you think it's all done, no, another piece of this enormous puzzle shows itself. The cast of characters are unique with their own backstories, and they all fit into the grand scheme of the island. And let's not forget we have a villian to this story (not going to give that surprise away) who tries to stop our Heroine from everything she tries to do.

So don't go into this series expecting a horror/scary/spooky story. It's not truly that, it's a story of good versus evil with a 16 year old Heroine who goes up against alot of paranormal things to accomplish her goals (not revealing that secret either)

So give this a try, go in with a blank mind and just enjoy the ride. I don't think you'll be disappointed. This series is on Kindle Unlimited at time of review.

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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Colleen Hoover - Layla

LaylaLayla by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bizarre Love Triangle

I really love the premise, it was unique. And in it's own paranormal way, a true love story. Leeds and Layla are characters that connect in that unusual way that you just know it will be a forever love story. True soul mates. But that's all I'm going to give away.

I will say that the story moved a little to slow for me, I did have to fight my urge to walk away. But that's me. I need a more fast paced storyline. Do I think it was all worth it in the end, sorta. I think the ending could have had a little more spark than say the "riding off into the sunset" feel I had. But I don't regret reading the book, it was that unique of a story.

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Friday, January 22, 2021

Darynda Jones - Bewitched (Betwixted & Between #2)

Bewitched (Betwixt & Between #2)Bewitched by Darynda Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you love the Charley Davidson series, you will adore this one.

Defiance and her bff Annette are so clumsily funny. Even in the middle of serious witchery problems, hauntings, kidnappings, and trying to launch a business, they seem to take everything in stride. Find time to remember the little things, including laughter.

I tried to explain the plot to a friend and just couldn't. There are so many wonderful characters with full backstories that it's impossible to relate it to someone without it being a really long conversation. I want everyone to read this series!!

And as usual, we have a cliff hanger moment that me yelling "Oh no you didn't!!!". Thankfully, the next book comes out February 15th so I won't have to wait long. ...... for Roane.

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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Callie Hart - Riot Rules (Crooked Sinners #2)

Riot Rules (Crooked Sinners, #2)Riot Rules by Callie Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ok, to start, I was confused at first until I realized that this story starts before Elodie and Wren. Before Elodie even shows up at the school.

So once I got "situated", I still had trouble clicking with Dash. There was just something off about him, but never fear, I love him now. Maybe it was the confusing timeline in the beginning, don't know. I just wasn't "in" to the story. Skip ahead a few chapters and I'm in love with both of them. Knowing Carrie's backstory and Dash's secret love for the piano, you can't help but become attached to them.

And Sadly, we have to go thru some heartbreak, the reliving of the Fitz storyline, and you just kind of break emotionally before it comes together in the end. Not going to say who saves who, but it was an epic love story moment.

Now we have Wren and Dash, whatever will knock Pax off his pedestal?

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